2013年にリリースしたMini Album『Give Me Tomorrow』を再販売!
ライブでも披露している「I Love You」を含む、Joelleが書き上げた3曲とBeth Nielsen ChapmanとMatt Rollings作曲の「The Color of Roses」の全4曲。「この作品で、自分のリアルな感情を表現しました。辛い時でも、明日を信じて歩んでいく力を皆さまに届けられたらと思っています!Love, Joelle」
Re-release of the 2013 Mini Album "Give Me Tomorrow" !
The album features four songs: three written by Joelle, including "I Love You" performed
in her solo live, and "The Color of Roses" written by Beth Nielsen Chapman and
Matt Rollings.
"I hope my songs will give you the strength to believe in tomorrow in the most challenging times! Love, Joelle.”
1. Only Heaven Knows
2. The Color of Roses
3. Give Me Tomorrow
4. I Love You
Give Me Tomorrow